We are here for you
A registered agent, or agent for provides a legal address within the jurisdiction where business is domiciled. It is the registered agent’s duty to receive and forward documents to the entity’s designated contact, usually a company’s legal team or representative.
The registered agent also receives official government documents including franchise tax notices and annual report forms. Registered agents may also notify business entities whether or not they are in “good standing.”
As part of our registered agent services, GR Services also keeps accurate and complete records of all your entity transaction, litigation, and service of process histories. We send you email alerts reminding you of critical filing deadlines such as annual reports, franchise tax payments, and business license and doing-business-as renewals. What’s more, our services are always rendered with the speed and security you deserve.
Our registered agent solution can also take care of your international legal service needs so that you don’t miss any important paperwork or deadlines.
GR Services Difference:
Founded by an experienced team of international serial entrepreneurs, real estate developers and legal professionals, the core team at GR Services has over 100 years of combined business, legal, government and real estate experience.
Here’s what sets us apart from our competition – All pricing is disclosed clearly, upfront, and with itemized details. No so-called “free” services from third parties trying to up-sell you or your clients unwanted services. No hidden subscriptions and surprise charges.
We love happy clients! If you are unsatisfied with our service for any reason, GR Services will refund 100% of our service fees at your request. Terms and Conditions applied.
Tamani Arts Office Towers
1009 Al Asayel Street
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - +1-888-477-4370
- info@grsvcs.com